Do You Believe in Invisible Things? [Podcast #21]

I asked college students in my Politics and Religion class at Appalachian State University, "What is faith?" They invariably answered, "Believing something that cannot be proven." They bought into the world's understanding of "blind faith." Do we have reasons to believe in things we cannot see? Or is it just irrational?

This podcast is part of a teaching on Hebrews 11 and offers a life-changing definition of faith. What does it mean to "live by faith and not by sight?" (2 Cor 5:7). Below you can view the prezi I used. Be sure and go into full screen mode to get the best view.

How to Make a Life Plan Guaranteed to Succeed [Podcast #20]

"You can do anything you set your mind to do." This is often said to young people to encourage them to set their sights high and not to accept self-defeating thoughts. While these are good intentions, unfortunately, this simply is not true.

We can, however, do anything that God wants us to do. We are left, then, with this all important question: Are my life plans from God or are they my own? Am I giving God a list to choose from? Am I making my own decisions and asking God to bless them?

How to Solve Problems in Your Relationships [Podcast #17]

This podcast episode is the third and final part of the session I taught at the North Carolinians for Home Education Conference, "How to Stop the Fighting in Your Home." You can view the prezi for this session here.

It is a brief explanation of the 9 Steps for Conflict Resolution I have already blogged about in several posts that starts here, or I have consolidated into one article.

Teach your children biblical conflict resolution. 

  • Give space (James 1:19).
  • Check yourself  (Matt 7:3-5).
  • Let go of anger (Eph 4:26-27; Matt 18:21-35).
  • Love (Mark 12:30; Gal 5:14).
  • Pray (Matt 5:44; James 1:5-8).
  • Talk about it (Prov 18:13;15:1).
  • Discern the issue (Rom 14:1-12).
  • Speak the truth (Matt 18:15; Eph 4:15; Gal 6:1).
  • Give space

How to Help Your Children Stop Fighting [Podcast #16]

This podcast episode is the second part of the session I taught at the North Carolinians for Home Education Conference, "How to Stop the Fighting in Your Home." You can view the prezi for this session here.


2.        Set basic rules of engagement.

  • No yelling
  • No violence.
  • No manipulation

3.        Teach your children to speak truth to one another (Eph 4:15; Matt 18:15-17).

Teach them the Matt 18 process:

  • Speak to the other person privately.
  • Ask another person to help verify problem (I don’t require this step).
  • Go to those in authority to handle the situation.

How to Stop Fighting Your Spouse [Podcast #15]

This podcast episode is the first part of the session I taught at the North Carolinians for Home Education Conference, "How to Stop the Fighting in Your Home." You can view the prezi for this session here.

Why do we want to stop the fighting in our home?

  • Because it is pleasant to have a peaceful home (Prov 17:1).
  • Because we want to love and obey God (Eph 4:1-4).
  • Because we want to prepare our children for a life of maturity (Eph 6:4).

Three ways to stop the fighting in your home:

1.        Set a peaceful example.

  • Stop fighting your spouse (Prov 26:21; Prov 21:19).
  • Stop fighting your children (Eph 6:4; Prov 15:1).

Why We Love Love Stories [Podcast #14]

There are not many good stories without love in it. Actually, I can't think of one, but there might be one.

We can see in the very first verse of the entire Bible that a story has begun. As Genesis 1 proceeds, the stage is set and the main characters have been introduced.

In Genesis 3 the crisis begins as sin enters the world. There are many foreshadows of the coming of the hero and savior. The super-human Jesus Christ enters the scene, "takes the bullet" and delivers the people from destruction.

We are currently still in crisis, and Jesus is still saving people. But God has already told us what happens in the end! Justice and Love win! The enemy is defeated. And those who trust Christ live happily ever after.

The Beginning of All Stories - Genesis 1:1 [Podcast #13]

A Genesis 1 inspired "doodle" by Meredith Riggins

A Genesis 1 inspired "doodle" by Meredith Riggins

Did you know that the entire universe consists of time, space, and matter (energy/mass)? Have you considered that this is a reflection of the tri-unity of God?

A trinity is not a trio or a triad, but a tri-unity, with each part comprising the whole, yet all three required to make the whole. Thus, the universe is all Space, all Time, and all Matter (including energy as a form of matter); in fact, many scientists speak of it as a Space-Matter-Time continuum. Furthermore, note the parallels between the divine trinity and the tri-universe in terms of the logical order of its three components. Space is the invisible, omnipresent background of everything in the universe. Matter-and-Energy reveal the reality of the universe. Time makes the universe understandable in the events occurring in it. Note that exactly the same sentence will apply if the words Father, Son, and Holy Spirit replace the words, Space, Matter, and Time.”

Dr. Henry Morris, “The Tri-Universe,” Founder of Institute for Creation Research.

I have been teaching a series on Genesis 1 at our church. The following podcast is the first part of a teaching on Genesis 1:1.