Workshops @NCHE

I just finished my first workshop at the NCHE Conference. It was a lot of fun; great crowd! Below is the prezi I am using for both workshops. The one I just presented, "Equipping Children for Life with Three Critical Skills" come in the second part of the prezi (the second cloud). The first part, "A Basic Educational Strategy," will be presented tomorrow at 4:50pm.

Pursuing a Life of Purpose

Last Sunday I completed a teaching series on "Pursuing a Life of Purpose." Although all the principles presented are biblical, many of the ideas were inspired from Stephen Covey's book, First Things First. You can listen to or download these messages in the audio player in the right sidebar. I have embedded the presentation (made on below if you want to see the main points and scripture references as you listen.

Teaching on Eph 1:5-6

We are studying through the book of Ephesians together as a church. This particular message includes teaching on predestination, but the main idea is that God has blessed us by adopting us. You can listen to it, download it, or subscribe in the teaching audio box in the right side bar.

New Teaching Upload: Our Purpose, Part 3

Check out the next message in my teaching series on Our Purpose, which is Loving God, Loving People, Making Disciples. God is doing a great work in my own heart through this, and I believe in our church, as he gives us his heart for people. This session is about loving others. You can listen, download, or subscribe to our podcast in the Teaching Audio tool on the right sidebar.

Our Purpose, Part 2

I just uploaded the message from Sunday. I am teaching through our fellowship's purpose statement: Love God, Love People, Make Disciples. Unfortunately the first message did not record properly, so this is the second in the series. In the first purpose, love God, we discussed believing the gospel and surrendering all to Christ. This week, still in loving God, we discussed prayer, walking according to God's Word, walking according to God's Spirit, and loving people (as a part of loving God). You can listen to or download it from the teaching audio tool in the sidebar.

New Teaching Audio: Seeking the Lord

I finally got my wireless lapel mic fixed. So, now we are back to recording the teaching in our fellowship. You can listen to it in or download it from the teaching audio tool in the sidebar. On Sunday, we discussed how important it is to seek the Lord, why we don't, and how to do it. Here are the main ideas:

1. When we seek the Lord, our relationship to God is the most important thing (Psalm 32:8-9; James 4:4-10).

2. When we seek the Lord, we will spend time in prayer.

3. When we seek the Lord, we will wait on him to act, provide, and lead (Psalm 33:20).