"I for my part would prefer to be deceived in a good many things rather than to fight for the truth in so great a universal tumult" - Desiderius Erasmus, one of the greatest biblical scholars of the 16th century, commenting on the work of Martin Luther.
A Motto for My Mouth
Speak only love andspeak only truth in as few words as possible.
“A Babbeling fool will come to ruin” (Prov 10:10b).
“When words are many, transgression is not lacking, but whoever restrains his lips is prudent” (Prov 10:19)
“Speak the truth in love” (Eph 4:15).
Got Wisdom?
This verse clearly teaches that all believers must go to college. Just kidding. I’m not sure paying for a formal and institutional education was the norm at this time. Besides that, one would be assuming that such an education would offer truth and wisdom!
So how does one buy truth? He does not literally buy truth. This is figurative language for counting the cost. Truth and wisdom must be diligently sought. We are not born with it uploaded into our brains. It requires time, energy, concentration, work, and diligence. It is not always easy. But it is worth the price. Truth and wisdom are worth any earthly resource one possesses. Thus, one also is not to sell it. It is possible for one to choose to keep such earthy resources instead of gaining wisdom. Or one may even forsake the truth and wisdom one has obtained to chase after such temporal goods.
I am finally done with my formal education. But I am committed to being a life-long learner. I will read, study, discuss, experiment, practice, listen, write, and observe till I die. I am on a mission to discern truth and gain wisdom at every turn.