“The great secret of prayer is to align ourselves to Gods’ purposes rather than seeking to align Him to ours.”
This a recording of a teaching on prayer present at Highland Christian Fellowship on Nov 23, 2014.
“The great secret of prayer is to align ourselves to Gods’ purposes rather than seeking to align Him to ours.”
This a recording of a teaching on prayer present at Highland Christian Fellowship on Nov 23, 2014.
Sometimes prayer seems mysterious. When will God answer our prayers? What do we make of his promises to answer prayer (John 14:13-14; 15:7-11)? How can we learn to pray his will? If it is his will, why do we have to pray it?
Episode 2 of the Truth to Freedom Podcast is a recording of my teaching at Highland Christian Fellowship on Eph 6:19-20; Col 4:3-4. In these verses, Paul gives his prayer request to the Ephesians, a prayer for communicating the gospel. Not only do we learn what to pray, but we have the opportunity to dig into these challenging questions about prayer.
“1. If we ask him, God will provide opportunities to communicate the gospel (Col 4:3).
2. If we ask him, God will help us to communicate the gospel with boldness (Eph 6:19-20).
3. If we ask him, God will help us to know what to say when we communicate the gospel (Eph 6:19; Col 4:4).”