Hannah Update

Hannah is 6 now. She is a charming and sensitive girl. She is in the first grade now and is making good progress in her reading, counting and other first gradish stuff. She is a talented artist as well. Her main struggle in life is being the middle child of seven. She is a little sister and a big sister and sometimes finds it difficult to maker way.

HCF Picnic

We had a great time last night picnicking at our house with our church. We ate, talked, and played basketball and Wiffle ball. Here are some pictures. You can see a few more in this album. 100_3210 Ellie Casner and Hannah are buds (left)

In order below:

Here are the Wiffle ball teams together.100_3205

Christina, Anna, and Meredith


Kassie and Bethany100_3200

Kathryn and LeeAnne are buds.100_3192


We are enjoying blizzard-like conditions today. We will have snow, wind-gusts up to 70mph, and sub-zero wind chills.



Here is a recent shot of Kathryn (almost 2 yrs) and Hannah (5 yrs).
