Guy McDill (My Grandpa)

I recently received an e-mail from my Dad about his Dad. He died the same year I was born, so I never met him, but have heard so many great stories about him. We have always said that Grandpa and I greeted one another in 1973 as he was going up and I was coming down. Here is what Dad sent me: May 7 is the 100th birthday of Guy Vernon McDill.  He was born in 1910 in Newton County Mississippi and died in 1973 and is buried in Beaumont.  Attached are a few old pictures.

This is Guy and Ruby McDill in 1939

04 Guy and Ruby 1939

Guy, Ruby, and Wayne (my dad) on vacation.

07 Guy, Ruby and Wayne on Vacation

This photo was taken in 1962 when Dad, Mom and Bob visited Blanchard, Louisiana at the birth of Michael (my oldest brother).  Guy was 52 at the time.

GuyMcDill 1962

HCF Picnic

We had a great time last night picnicking at our house with our church. We ate, talked, and played basketball and Wiffle ball. Here are some pictures. You can see a few more in this album. 100_3210 Ellie Casner and Hannah are buds (left)

In order below:

Here are the Wiffle ball teams together.100_3205

Christina, Anna, and Meredith


Kassie and Bethany100_3200

Kathryn and LeeAnne are buds.100_3192

Our Chicks Are Here!

We had an exciting new addition to our home over the weekend: twenty-four new chicks. As I wrote before, we are going to raise chickens primarily for eggs. We ordered twenty-five Rhode Island Reds (one didn't survive the trip) from Welp Hatchery. We received a call on Friday morning from the post office informing us they had arrived. I could hear the chicks peeping in the background as I told him I would be there in a couple of hours to pick them up. I was surprised how small the box was that they came in:


Here I am opening the box to put them in their new, cozy home.


It didn't take them long to adjust.


The children immediately wanted to hold them. This one Caleb is holding was good enough to look at the camera and smile.


Picnic in the Front, Sledding in the Back

After a record breaking winter in the areas of temperature and snowfall, today's sunny 50 degree weather seems like summer. So our kids went outside and ran around with bare feet. It looked odd, though, with a good bit of snow about. They set up their lawn chairs in the front yard for a picnic lunch. After lunch they went sledding in the back yard! 100_2978


(I'm looking forward to something to eat growing in the garden spot in the background.)