Our Chicks Are Here!

We had an exciting new addition to our home over the weekend: twenty-four new chicks. As I wrote before, we are going to raise chickens primarily for eggs. We ordered twenty-five Rhode Island Reds (one didn't survive the trip) from Welp Hatchery. We received a call on Friday morning from the post office informing us they had arrived. I could hear the chicks peeping in the background as I told him I would be there in a couple of hours to pick them up. I was surprised how small the box was that they came in:


Here I am opening the box to put them in their new, cozy home.


It didn't take them long to adjust.


The children immediately wanted to hold them. This one Caleb is holding was good enough to look at the camera and smile.


Raising Chickens

We have decided to raise chickens. Here are the reasons why:

1. To have fresh, natural eggs. 2. To save money on buying eggs (which we eat a lot of and which are expensive if you buy higher quality eggs). 3. To save money on buying chicken. Once the chickens quit laying well, we will butcher them for meat. 4. To press on in our journey to be resourceful, healthy, and self-sufficient. 5. To use as a source of education for the whole family.

I have learned that Rhode Island Red chickens are good for both eggs and meat. So, we are going to order 25 chicks from Welp Hatchery.  Here is my list of things to get so we are ready to care for that many chicks:

  • Construct a 13 square foot, 18 inch high cardboard box
  • Bedding - peat moss or wood chips
  • Chick feed - 50lbs, 20% protein
  • Heat lamp
  • Thermometer
  • One gallon waterer